Alternative therapies for baldness
Alternative therapies for baldness and hair loss are safer and less expensive than surgery and other chemical based medications as they include natural supplements and herbal extracts that not only provide nutrients and vitamins for hair and scalp but are also effective DHT blockers.
Alternative therapies and treatments for hair loss include nutrients like Saw Palmetto, Phytosterol Complex, Beta Sitosterol, Green Tea extract, and l-Lysine. These are natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitors that prevent the enzyme from metabolizing testosterone into DHT.
These natural 5 alpha reductase inhibitors can slow down and even halt further hair loss without the side effects noticed with prescription medications.

What Do These Ingredients Do?
Saw PlamettoSaw Palmetto is an extract derived from the berries of the Serenoa Repens tree that goes to work on the hair follicles and blocks 5-alpha reductase. It has been found effective combined with Phytosterol Complex in 60 of 100 cases of mild to moderate male pattern balding during clinical trials.
Great Tea
Green Tea contains a potent polyphenol antioxidant, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which inhibits 5-alpha reductase and encourages hair re-growth.
L-lysine is an essential amino acid that inhibits 5-alpha reductase activity. In trials, women experienced significant change in their hair loss when treated with l-lysine and iron therapy.
Procerin, is an effective all-natural non-prescription supplement for men and women of all ages and at all stages of hair loss. It is a potent combination of DHT Blockers, Vitamins and Minerals. The Procerin hair loss and baldness cure system includes topical applications as well as ingestible pills.

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I ordered a three months supply (as a test) and have noticed a real improvement in thickness, texture and growth. I am 71 and I expect to lose some hair, however this product has stopped and reversed the hair loss. I have ordered a six month supply this time.
Mr. C, San Diego, CA
I am absolutely amazed at the results of your product !! I am the world's biggest skeptic and only ordered Procerin out of sheer desperation. After just two weeks I noticed little to no hair in the tub after shampooing. Two months later the bald spot in the back of my head has filled in almost completely!!
And...I'm 58 years old !! Great product...I'm sold for life. - John N. Nashville, TN
I'm now on my fifth bottle of Procerin and I couldn't be happier. Having been an avid gardener for many years, I have a trained eye for noticing minute changes in growth patterns. My hairline is staring to come back to where it was years ago. It's great to see little hairs sprouting, and getting longer and darker. When I first started taking your product, I was a bit skeptical and had some questions which were answered promptly by your support. Delivery was also lightning fast and hassle free.
Alvaro M. Madrid, Spain